Colleen Foehrenbacher
Executive Director Eagle Bluff ELC
Colleen fell in love with Eagle Bluff and its bluffs-and-river surroundings when she first arrived as a 24-year-old intern. Her passion for the place has never diminished. Neither has her mission “to empower people to connect with the natural world and each other...to use a natural setting to bring people together and be more of a community.”
Joe Deden
Founder of Eagle Bluff ELC
As a student Joe studied the Forestry program in Germany, working alongside students from schools who stayed in youth hostels. These students were learning to care for the environment by being educated about the environment in the environment. And it hit him— he had to make this same opportunity available to students in his home state of Minnesota!
Linda Klimesh
St. Wenceslaus in Spillville, IA
As our primary contact in Spillville, IA, Stringwood is grateful to Linda for welcoming students each summer to the important historical spaces and the informed descendents of Spillville, IA, for weekend performances and lunch at the 1893 summer home of Antonin Dvorak.